NetApp - ONTAP NFS Administration (NFSAD)

- Seminar in Präsenz und Live Online -


This course focuses on enabling you to do the following: - Explain the differences between the NFS protocol and SAN protocols - List NAS namespace architectures and namespaces - Summarize client access to NFS data in ONTAP software - List the NFS enhancements for different releases of ONTAP software - Describe the implementation of NFSv3 on NetApp storage - Describe the implementation of NFSv4 on NetApp storage - Demonstrate a multiprotocol configuration that supports SMB and NFS access - Illustrate techniques for collecting NFS statistics and data Kurssprache ist Deutsch, Schulungsunterlagen in Englisch in digitaler Form. Dieses Seminar führen wir in Kooperation mit der Fast Lane GmbH durch.


  • Module 1: NFS Overview
  • Define NFS Protocol
  • List and differentiate between the versions of NFS
  • Discuss how ONTAP support NFS deployments
  • Module 2: NFS v3
  • Describe NFS v3
  • Configure NFSv3 on Data ONTAP
  • Describe how security works in NFS v3
  • Module 3: NFS v4
  • Describe NFS v4
  • Configure NFSv4 on Data ONTAP
  • Describe how security works in NFS v4
  • Module 4: NFS v4.1
  • Describe NFS v4.1
  • Configure NFS v4.1 on ONTAP 9
  • Module 5: NFS Monitoring and Troubleshooting
  • Discuss performance monitoring techniques for storage and clients
  • Describe basic NFS troubleshooting
  • List locations of Export Rule Evaluation Errors

Seminar- bzw. Schulungsvoraussetzungen

ONTAP Cluster fundamentals, ONTAP 9 Cluster Administration (ONTAP9ADM), Familiarity with UNIX and Linux operating systems.


1.170,00 € (zzgl. 19% MwSt.)


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